Friday 12 October 2012


SEDERUNT: Mr Phil Findlay(Chair); Mrs Jean McGinn, (Secretary); Mr Andrew Guthrie; Mr Adam Montgomerie; Mrs Dorothy Ward. Mr Alexander Gibson (Co-opted) IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs Thea Petticrew; Councillor William Grant; P C David Stewart, P C Philip Porter; Ms Julia Whitaker, Mr David Bett. APOLOGIES: Mr Roy Storie. ADOPTION OF MINUTES for meeting of 19 June: Proposed by Mrs D Ward, Seconded Mr P Findlay. Ms Julia Whitaker and Mr David Bett attended our meeting to make us aware of “Carrick Characters”. This is a project to link all the communities in Carrick and to raise awareness of the area and encourage tourism. Each community has been asked to suggest an “icon” which is peculiar to their area and which will help visitors to recognise the different and varied aspects of Carrick. These icons could be industrial, history, etc. There will be a Web Site for “Carrick” with all the information available on the 17 villages/communities in the area. Mr Findlay suggests better signage is needed to encourage visitors to a specific area. There was a positive reception to this and we will think about the main “icon” for our area. Wind Farm and Leader funding will be available for this project. We thanked Ms Whitaker and Mr Bett ,for their time and input here. POLICE REPORT: for the period 21 July 2012 to 21 August 2012. One case of vandalism to the park keeper's hut in the Kennedy Park. One theft of gates from Fisherton Farm. Other incidents of note: Youths playing loud music from motor vehicles, also a neighbour dispute. They were asked about the reported body found near Fisherton Burn on the shore some time ago but were unaware of this. COUNCILLOR'S REPORT. Councillor William Grant attended our meeting and will attend mall future meetings when he can. He does not have a surgery as such but can be contacted at any time on the telephone or through County Buildings. He is aware of the roads repairs about to be carried out, but the area of Carrick Place which is supposed to have been repaired has not been completed as yet. Councillor Grant asks if we are aware of the “2014 Scotland Year of Homecoming”. This year will feature Robert the Bruce and the 700th Anniversary of the Battle of Bannockburn. 5. LINK OFFICER'S REPORT: Mrs Petticrew asked Mr Gibson at what stage is he at in respect of the trees he wishes to be trimmed. Mr Gibson has ascertained that the owners are the Harbour committee but as this is a conservation area he will need special permission. Mrs Patticrew will email a copy of the form required to be completed. Advised Mrs Petticrew of the overhanging bushes on Station Road making it impossible to walk on the pavement and unsafe to walk on the road especially from the Croft to the harbour adjacent to the Waste Water Treatment Works. Mrs Petticrew will pass this on to the appropriate department. Mrs Petticrew also advises South Ayrshire Council will renew the gate at the entrance to Kennedy Park which had been damaged. Mrs Petticrew asks if we are all aware of the changes in the bin collections. Concern was raised that more fly tipping may take place if the brown bin collection is further reduced. Mr Findlay asked Mrs Petticrew how many fixed penalty notices had been issued in this respect. She will advise us on this. MATTERS ARISING: Tree Pruning - see Link Officer's report. Art Exhibition - Four of our members attended the preview and selected a winner of our prize of a Drawrite Voucher. FINANCIAL REPORT: The Auditor has now returned the balance sheet with all adjustments made. At this date we have a balance outstanding of £180.42. 8. OPEN FORUM: No member of the public was present. CORRESPONDENCE: Parker's Wholesale Bulb Catalogue NHS Healthwise Newspaper Ayrshire Joint Planning Unit - Galloway & S/Ayrshire Biosphere. Adult Protection Committee Newsletter. Doors Open Day information - Leaflets to be distributed. Rural Communities Grant information. Email re “Action Earth Grant” of up to £500. Email re “Taste Ayrshire Food Festival” 1 - 9 September. South Ayrshire Council - Rural Panel Thursday 6 Sept Pinwherry Changes to Bin Collections information South Ayrshire Community Planning - S/Ayrshire Economic Development Strategy 2013 - 2023. Questionnaire. PLANNING: PERMITTED: The Observatory - alterations & extension. APPLICATIONS: Co-op - extension of opening hours 7.00 - 23oohrs. Co-op - Installation of ATM Co-op Erection of signage Hot food take away - Mac Mic development. ANY OTHER BUSINESS: Mr Storie has left a letter re road repairs which has been passed to Mrs Petticrew. Hedge on Station Road - See Link Officer's Report Handrail at Shop - Find out who owns this piece of land before we look for grant. Mr Findlay will get an estimate for this. Shrubs overhanging pavement adjacent to shop - Mrs Ward will see to this. There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.20pm and the next meeting will be held on Tuesday 18 September 2012.